Go MV team! Varsity pieces worth cheering for. Going back to school with the Popular; This new line get the inspiration for its varsity look from the classic sports’ undies and uplifts them with a new twist. Serving the collegiate trend from the inside out with pieces that will make you rumble! The colors, the lines and the styling push the boundaries of athletic fashion to a range that works on and off the field. Whether a player or part of the cheerleading squad, you can champion the look rather effortlessly with this sporty renewal.
Are you ready to rumble? Popular Collection has arrived and it is here for you. You can find a plenty variety of styles such as jockstraps, low cut briefs, tanga briefs, classic briefs and tanktops. Sexy designs waiting for you to discover them.
The Modus Vivendi Popular Collection is available from €18.80 and you can discover the products here.
Interview with the Model - Martin Ivanov
Are you that guy that buys anything new and innovative?
I am definitely not that guy that buys anything new and innovative. First of all, because I am not into technology, I am very bad at it. So the more old school the better for me.
We all need a win this year. What is yours?
My personal win for this year would be to successfully finish the reconstruction of my apartment which turns out to be much messier than I thought it would be.
What do you find sexy/sensual in your partner?
Hmm. Since I haven’t had a partner a very long time it’s difficult to recall. Just joking! Maybe the ability to make me smile, laugh, sense of humor and big arms would help.
How did the pandemic disturb your life and have you managed to find balance?
The pandemic put us in a very difficult and stressful situation and personally for me it was a period of time that I managed to use it positively. I learned another language (Spanish) and I started my Master’s Degree the previous year so I managed to finish this one successfully as well.
Interview with the Model – Paolo Bellucci
How did the pandemic disturb your life and have you managed to find balance?
I believe that the pandemic has changed the way people look and live. From the little things such as planning a trip to passing to personal affections. We had the opportunity to understand how precious it can be to say a simple "I love you" in time, things that maybe before we took for granted.
Credo che la pandemia abbia cambiato il modo di guardare e di vivere la vita un po’ di tutti quanti. Dalle piccole cose come ad esempio programmare un viaggio ecc. passando agli affetti personali. Abbiamo avuto modo di capire quanto può essere preziosi dire un semplice “ti voglio bene” in tempo cose che magari prima davamo per scontate.
There’s a lot of talk for inclusion and diversity everywhere what do you think needs to be done?
I am not the one who has to say what needs to be done for diversity. But I believe that diversity is a form of freedom, no one can deprive us of our freedom. So the only way is to let ourselves be free to express who we are.
Non sono io a dover dire cosa si debba fare per la diversità. Credo però che la diversità sia una forma di libertà, nessuno può privarci della nostra libertà. Quindi l’unico modo è lasciarci liberi di esprimere ciò che siamo.
What do you find sexy/sensual in your partner?
I find the personality sexy / sensual, the way it expresses itself and then I end up with the aesthetic part.
Trovo sexy/sensuale la personalità, il modo in cui si esprime per poi finire con la parte estetica.
What is beauty to you?
Beauty is a form of expression. Be yourself.
la bellezza è forma di espressione. Essere se stessi.
What is the quote that motivate you?
My quote is: Always laugh, laugh, make yourself think crazy but never sad. Laugh even if the world is collapsing on you, keep smiling. There are people who live for your smile and others who will gnaw when they realize they haven't been able to put it out.
La mia citazione e: Ridi sempre, ridi fatti credere pazzo ma mai triste. Ridi anche se ti sta crollando il mondo addosso, continua a sorridere. Ci sono persone che vivono per il tuo sorriso e altre che rosicheranno quando capiranno di non essere riuscite a spegnerlo.
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